Conform unui post pe Reddit, un fan a fost agresat de WWE si amenintat cu arestul dupa ce a fost scos din arena. Motivul? Pancacrtele aduse la show nu erau pe placul celor din companie.

Fanul poate si vazut in cadrul show-ului Raw ridicand o pancarta pe care scrie “I could be home watching Nitro” ceea ce se traduce in “Puteam sa fiu acasa si sa ma uit la Nitro”. Comentariul este o delicata gluma la faptul ca WWE Network tocmai a mai publicat peste 100 de ore de WCW Nitro.


Conform declaratiilor fanului, semnul cat si altul au fost confiscate, apoi a fost rugat in repetate randuri sa paraseasca arena de securitatea WWE. Cand a iesit din arena in zona automatelor de mancare, lucru facut doar din cauza ca nu era lasat sa urmareasca show-ul, a fost inconjurat de si mai multa securitate si amenintat cu arestul. Fanul a rezistat cacealmalei, dar a parasit arena prin propria decizie dupa ce hartuirea continua.

Mai jos gasiti postul de pe Reddit in original.

So tonight in Des Moines, Iowa, I was having fun being a fan of the product and holding up 2 different signs. One said “I could be at home watching Nitro.” The other said “Raw is RAGElife.” Around 9pm a skinny white male with a black polo shirt with the WWE logo asked me for the sign. I asked which one. He took the Raw is RAGElife and left. A few minutes later he came back and asked for the other signs. Next to him was a huge black male in a suit with a WWE lapel pin. I tossed the sign reddit wanted me to make. And then I was told to leave the arena. I refused and then was threatened with arrest. After a few minutes I went with them to the vending area where five men in suits surrounded me trying to arrest me for a sign and being someone the WWE didn’t like. I begged them to bring the police so I could be arrested and they wouldn’t bring them. After five, maybe ten minutes of the BS I left left under my own will because I was tired of the sh*t. F**k WWE, Vince McMahon, and everyone involved. They also took the person next to me sign that said Cena it’s time for a heel turn. Incredible…